Mirabelle Jones: Endless Dance

1 min. time lapse of 1 hour performance. Mirabelle Jones, Endless Dance (2020), Performance for video. Digital. Color. Silent. Courtesy of the artist. Filmed in the artist’s home studio during Covid-19 quarantine.

The following prompt (in bold) was input into OpenAI’s GPT-3 Beta Playground using the Davinci model. The text in italics was the output for the prompt completed by GPT-3.

An idea for an endurance art performance:
A performer takes on the role of a dancer, and performs a dance until it’s no longer possible to perform the dance. The performer will not stop the music to rest, and will not stop the dance to sit down. They will continue until they cannot continue.


Production Date: December 11, 2021. Performed by: Mirabelle Jones

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