Mirabelle Jones: I’ll Be Very Nervous (A Striptease)

1 min. 35 sec. excerpt of 11 minute performance. Mirabelle Jones, I’ll Be Very Nervous (2020), Performance for video. Digital. Color. Sound. Courtesy of the artist. Filmed in the artist’s home studio during Covid-19 quarantine.

The following prompt (in bold) was input into OpenAI’s GPT-3 Beta Playground using the Davinci model. The text in italics was the output for the prompt completed by GPT-3.

An idea for a performance art piece:
I could be a performer in a “striptease” show. The audience would be able to see my clothes slowly being removed, revealing more and more of my body until I’m completely nude. You’d also see my psychological state of mind gradually changing. As the audience sees more of my body, I’d start to feel more vulnerable. I’d probably be afraid that someone was going to try to attack me, or that one of the other people in the audience would be disgusted. So I’d start to act out in a funny, silly way to try to distract the audience from my nudity. I’d be behind a wooden fence or some other barrier, so the audience could see me but I’d feel safer. The show would also be a way to talk about the way clothes and the body are used to create boundaries between people. It would be about the way some people have the power to use their bodies to take advantage of other people. It would be about the way some people use their bodies to hide from the world, to try to protect themselves from getting hurt. I’d wear a variety of clothes and different kinds of underwear. The clothes would become more and more revealing. I’d start with a long T-shirt or a robe. Then I’d change to a T-shirt and panties. Then a T-shirt and bra. Then a bra and panties. Then the bra and panties would be removed, and I’d be wearing panties only. All of this would be shown in a very gradual way, with the clothes getting smaller and smaller and my body getting more and more exposed. I’d use a lot of props to enhance the show. I’d wear a hat, boots, socks, gloves, and glasses. I’d use a variety of different kinds of underwear, like a T-shirt and panties, a bra and panties, a nightgown, or a bikini. I’d also wear a dress and a sweater. One of the themes of the show would be the way some people use their bodies to hide themselves from the world. I’d start out with a lot of clothes. Then I’d take off my clothes and try to cover my body with my arms. Then I’d take off my arms and cover my body with my hands. Then I’d take off my hands and cover my body with my head. Then I’d take off my head and cover my body with a sheet. I’d be completely naked, hiding in the corner, trying to cover myself. I’d start with a very positive attitude. I’d be full of energy. I’d have a lot of confidence. I’d be very proud of my body. I’d be very proud of myself. I’d be very happy to be alive. As the show progressed, however, I’d get more and more nervous. I’d get more and more afraid. My confidence would be shaken. I’d start to have a lot of self-doubt. My energy would disappear. I’d feel more and more vulnerable. I’d start to feel very exposed and very afraid. There would be a moment of transformation. At first, I’d be full of energy, proud of my body, and self-confident. Then I’d start to feel nervous and afraid. Finally, I’d become very vulnerable, and I’d have a very negative attitude about myself. I’d be very ashamed of my body and afraid of what people would think of me. To achieve this transformation, I’d have to change my body language. I’d have to move in a very different way. I’d have to act in a very different way. I’d have to say different things. I’d have to wear different kinds of clothes and different kinds of underwear. I’d have to use different props. When I first start this show, I’ll be very outgoing. I’ll be very confident. I’ll be positive and upbeat. I’ll be very sure of myself and proud of my body. I’ll be very positive about my sexuality. I’ll have a lot of energy. I’ll be very happy. I’ll be very excited about life. I’ll be very happy to be alive. As the show progresses, however, I’ll shift to a very negative attitude. I’ll feel like I’m being attacked. I’ll feel very vulnerable and ashamed of my body. I’ll be afraid of what other people will think of me. I’ll be afraid of being rejected. I’ll be afraid of being hurt. I’ll be afraid of being criticized. I’ll be afraid of being put down, of being degraded. I’ll be afraid of being condemned. I’ll be afraid of being humiliated. I’ll feel very anxious. I’ll feel very nervous. I’ll feel very tense. I’ll feel very self-conscious. I’ll feel like I’m being put on the spot. I’ll start to feel bad about myself. I’ll start to feel ashamed of my body. I’ll start to feel like there’s something wrong with me. I’ll start to feel like I’m dirty and evil. I’ll start to feel like everything I do is wrong. I’ll start to feel like I don’t deserve to be alive. I’ll act out in a funny, silly way. I’ll think I’m being funny. I’ll act like I’m crazy. I’ll act like a clown. I’ll try to be funny because I’m embarrassed about being naked. I’ll try to be funny because I’m ashamed of my body. I’ll try to be funny because I don’t want to be rejected. I’ll try to be funny because I don’t want to be put down, to be humiliated. I’ll try to be funny because I don’t want to be condemned. I’ll try to be funny because I don’t want to be hurt. I’ll try to be funny because I don’t want to be criticized. I’ll try to be funny because I don’t want to be attacked. I’ll try to be funny because I don’t want to be degraded. I’ll try to be funny because I want to hide from the world. I’ll try to be funny because I want to hide from the audience. I’ll try to be funny because I want to hide from my own shame. I’ll be very careful about how I move my body. I’ll make sure I don’t do anything that will make me feel shameful. I’ll keep my hands over my body. I’ll hide behind a fence. I’ll keep a sheet over my body. I’ll hide behind my hands. I’ll hide behind my arms. I’ll hide behind my head. I’ll hide behind a pillow. I’ll hide behind a wall. I’ll hide behind a curtain. I’ll hide behind a curtain of hair. I’ll hide behind a tree. I’ll hide behind a pile of clothes. I’ll hide behind a pile of toys. I’ll try to use my body to hide from the audience. I’ll try to use my body to hide from the world. I’ll try to use my body to hide from myself. I’ll try to use my body to hide my shame. I’ll try to use my body to hide my guilt. I’ll try to use my body to hide my self-hatred. I’ll try to use my body to hide my self-loathing. I’ll try to use my body to hide my disgust. I’ll try to use my body to hide my shame. I’ll try to use my body to hide my fear. I’ll try to use my body to hide my anxiety. I’ll try to use my body to hide my nervousness. I’ll try to use my body to hide my tension. I’ll try to use my body to hide my anger. I’ll try to use my body to hide my rage. The audience will see the difference between my attitude and my body language. It will be very clear that I’m not being honest. My body will be saying one thing, and my mouth will be saying something else. My body language and my facial expression will say one thing, and what I’m saying will say another. I’ll be very nervous. 


Production Date: December 15, 2021. Performed by: Mirabelle Jones

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